Independent Release - 2005
Track listing
This Old Love – 3:04
Daniel – 3:50
Gypsy Girl – 3:10
Superficial – 3:52
Autumn Flow – 4:13
Bedouin Song – 3:09
Sitting With a Stranger – 3:15
The Art of Cruelty – 3:35
Blessed – 3:13
Stuck In a War – 3:18
Building Ships– 4:46
Grey Ocean – 3:36
Lior (born Lior Attar in Israel, 1977) released Autumn Flow independently in 2005 and it has become one of the most successful independent releases in Australia, earning Gold Aria status.
The song that caught me originally on this album was "Daniel", such an honestly and an ability to suit the song to your particular mind set. For a debut album, it has such variety, you can see what Lior is capable of.

It starts so simply,"This Old Love", is like a story you've heard before but can't quite remember. The addition of strings makes it slightly romanticized, "let's grow old together". The song begins how it ends, "moving right along.."
"Daniel" is just beautifully composed. It's so metaphorical, of lovers, friends and insanity itself. A pure, honest moment on this album.
With "Superficial", Lior gets a little darker and moody. It seems to be directed at society rather than any one person. That people should be able to see past the external "wardrobe of tricks", and "magazine dreams". The same sort of hapless aggression is present in "Sitting with a Stranger".

"You are sunshine, You are everything good in the world"."Autumn Flow", all about the beauty and love in life. The scales of the acoustic guitar stay in your head long after the song ends. The added horns at the end resound and reiterate this simple point. "will you love me, when the diamond loses it shine?". You can't always control what happens in life, but you control your response, "go with the flow, if that's what the flow wants to do".
"Bedouin Song" is worth a mention, it seems to have that chanting choral aspect that to me, sounds like it comes from a traditional song.
"Blessed shows" off Liors' vocal range, from highs of "I" and lows of "death".

"Stuck in a War", has a nineties soft rock feel. Lior gets an evocative tone to his voice "I've seen you naked, soul free and wild.. I know most of what you hide". It's not about being "stuck in a war" per-se, but it's being stuck in the same place, same frame of mind even though it's destructive. And knowing it too.
Lior has now released a further three albums, one in 06', a live album called "Doorways Of My Mind", and another in Feb 08' called "Corner of an Endless Road", which were also released independently.. The latest being "Tumbling into The Dawn" which his is now promoting with his "by request tour"(head to ticketmaster or moshitx) . But this is a beautiful beginning to such a talented artist. A wonderful introduction to all facets of Lior.