To The Sea - Jack Johnson
Brushfire Records 2010

Track Listing
1. You and Your Heart
2. No Good With Faces
3. At or With Me
4. When I Look Up
5. From The Clouds
6. Turn Your Love
7. The Upsetter
8. To The Sea
9. My Little Girl
10. Red Wine, Mistakes, Mythology
11. Pictures of People Taking Pictures
12. Anything But The Truth
13. Only The Ocean
The lastest album "To The Sea" is dedicated to his father John Johnson. The album artwork consists of Johnson Family photos.

This album is significantly more up beat, both lyrically and musically than "Sleep Through the Static", it being one of his darker pieces. As this is his 5th studio album, Jack shows off his simple flair for proverb-like lines and catchy beats with ease and experience. Once again, he has created something thats easy to listen to, but if you hear it properly, you can take away much more. The magic of Jack Johnson.
The opening track, "You and Your Heart", is also the single release. A more traditional begining for Jack, relying on acoustic instruments and melody. Again with his little insights: "lost the fingernails on your hands, how you gunna scratch any backs" that make me wonder. The scales all through it happen without you noticing and everything just blends seamlessly. Comes with experience.
In "At or with me" the combination of the oh oh's, with perfect lines such as: "dont put your money where you mouth is, baby, we wouldnt want to see you choke", and the distorted electric guitar in the bridge, to the fade down and out to another build with harmonicas and choral voices and instruments. It just sweet.
The electric right from the begining in "From the Clouds" is extremly catchy and continues for the song, splitting and punctuating. We are let into his world a little more, as he adds some personified lyrics, claiming all we have to hold on is love. I really enjoy the fact that song is ended the same way it began, "Ill make you all mine".
"Red wine, Mistakes, Mythologies" is probably my favourite on the album, with the harmonica (and vocal backup from G. Love), percussion, the keys, the well planned lyrics, the sharp acoustic guitar. "The truth is never ending, were just here pretending". Definately a must hear. Whatever I said wouldnt do it's 4mins and 3seconds justice.
"Anything But the truth" brings it back home, with crickets in the backround, honest lyrics and the simple guitar. His understanding of the world will never cease to amaze me. He leaves you questioning "I dont know, that were meant to know". Something I've thought to myself many times.

A much anticipated release and fans will certainly not be let down. Theres some Jack Johnson soul food for the new comers too. Cook yourself some breakfast, make a cuppa' joe, turn it up, and float away.
Pour L'amour
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